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What to Expect (and Not To Expect) During Your Craniosacral Massage

Craniosacral Massage, or therapy, is gentle and noninvasive, and quite different than most other massage modalities. If you’ve never had one of these types of massages, you may not know what to expect. So, why would you choose to have this type of massage? If you suffer from migraines, joint disorder, inflammation, or neck and back pain (among many other issues) you may seek out this form of massage.

Craniosacral therapy restores the natural position of bones and decreases stress from chronic pain. There is a level of re-channeling energy, if you will, to give you better focus, more quality sleep, and an alleviation of pain. So what happens during a session?

DON’T EXPECT to take off your clothes!

DO EXPECT to be fully clothed (except for shoes of course!)

This form of massage is quite noninvasive, and doesn’t require you to undress. Wear comfortable clothing, loose fitting is best, so that you can best appreciate your session. You may even want to wear a sweatshirt or a long sleeve, comfortable top.

DON’T EXPECT to stay as warm as you are when you walk in

DO EXPECT to get quite chilly!

During your massage, you’ll find yourself getting incredibly relaxed! When your muscles are relaxed, your blood flows more freely, and your heart beats at a more regular, soft, tempo. When this happens, your body temperature changes (much like it does when you go to sleep). This temperature change is very, very minute, but enough to make you physically feel it. If your therapist suggests you get under the covers, even if you’re quite warm, do it anyway!

DON’T EXPECT a full body massage

DO EXPECT a very light touch

As is explained by “Craniosacral therapy (CST) involves light holding of the skull and sacrum and barely detectable movements. Indeed, the action of craniosacral therapy is so gentle and slight that it is the best example of the so-called “subtle” therapies, which claim to achieve profound health benefits with minor and safe interventions. Practitioners believe that the tiny manipulations of CST influence the pressure and circulatory rhythm of cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid that surrounds and cushions the brain and spinal cord.” (source:

You may not feel anything during the session, but afterwards you will most definitely feel the effects!

DON’T EXPECT to be awake the whole time!

DO EXPECT to be fully relaxed

You may find yourself so relaxed that you fall asleep, and that’s alright! Your body will take this time to ‘take a breather’ if you will, so don’t fight it if you find you want to drift off for a few minutes.

DON’T EXPECT your body won’t react

DO EXPECT your body to be quite noisy!

During your session, your therapist works with the natural and unique rhythms of your body’s system and pinpoints problems. This may make your stomach gurgle, you to sigh, or to suddenly feel quite awake (or quite sleepy). Let the body do what it naturally does. You’ll be all the better for it!

Come in and see one of our therapists who specializes in CranioSacral Therapy and consider combining this with any of our other massages. Learn more about the modality during your session, and let your body experience the release of stress!

Call us @ 703-686-4092