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Can’t Sleep? Use these Essential Oils to Bring Back the ZZZ’s!

If you have difficulty sleeping at night, it could be for a number of fixable reasons, such as too much screen time or caffeine before bed, indigestion, or an uncomfortable mattress. But, if you have created a great sleep environment and still need help falling asleep or staying asleep, you may consider adding essential oils to your bedtime routine. Essential oils help with sleep since they can help calm your body and prepare you for sleep. Research also shows that essential oils can be just as calming and effective as a sedative or sleeping pill, but without the risks or side effects.


Here are some oils to try for a better night sleep:


Many people know that lavender is a peaceful, calming scent, but research confirms that lavender can improve the quality of sleep. Lavender has even been shown to help intensive care unit patients at the hospital have a more restful night of sleep, a big achievement considering the beeping and noise of various machines. Lavender calms the nervous system by lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and skin temperature, which are all processes that take place as the body transitions to sleep. Use lavender essential oil in a diffuser or spritz a spray made with lavender around your bedroom.


Chamomile should come as no surprise, since a cup of chamomile tea is associated with a settled stomach and peacefulness before bed. Chamomile essential oil has a light, floral scent and will create a peaceful atmosphere in your bedroom for falling asleep. Research connects chamomile with a reduction in nightmares. Add one to two drops of chamomile oil to lotion and apply to your skin before bed.


Bergamot is a citrus oil, and while most citrus oils are known for being stimulating, bergamot has a bright feel that is also calming. Similar to lavender, bergamot can help jump start the processes associated with sleep such as lowering blood pressure as well as reduces feelings of anxiety. Bergamot is photosensitive, so it should not be used topically before going outside. Bergamot oil can also be added to a diffuser.

4. Ylang Ylang

Ylang ylang essential oil is a fruity oil sourced from a tree native to Southeast Asia. It slows the heart rate and reduces blood pressure, helping to promote feelings of calm necessary for a good night’s rest. Ylang ylang  Add a few drops of ylang ylang oil to an Epsom salt bath before bed, combine a few drops with a carrier oil and massage into skin, or add to a diffuser.

5. Eucalyptus

If a stuffy nose or allergies is keeping you up at night, try diffusing eucalyptus essential oil to help you breathe easier. Difficulty breathing due to colds, allergies, or sinus pressure can lead to frequent waking up, making your night unrestful. Eucalyptus is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce the swelling in the nasal passages and sinus cavities.

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