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How Massage is Good for Carpal Tunnel

Carpal TunnelIn today’s mouse-clicking, freeway-driving, text-happy world, repetitive motion takes a major toll on our hand muscles and can bring on carpal tunnel syndrome. The condition can occur from overusing the muscles in the hands, which causes the muscles to tighten and restrict circulation. When the muscle tightens over and over, it’s unable to go back to its full resting length, which causes inflammation, swelling and pain. It’s well known that massage can help with muscle tightness, so it’s not a far leap to realize that massage can bring relief for carpal tunnel patients, too.

Who might suffer from carpal tunnel? People who frequently use computers, smart phones, tablets, construction workers, hair dressers, office workers and even massage therapists are at risk. Anyone who makes small, frequent movements with their hands can wind up suffering with the throbbing and numbness from carpal tunnel. If you suspect that you have carpal tunnel because you have pain, numbness, motor decrease or loss in your hands, you can confirm by getting an electro-neuropathy test. This test measures conductivity through your wrist and gives you an estimate of how far-advanced your condition is. The earlier you catch and treat it, the better.

Sometimes doctors recommend anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy or even surgery to alleviate carpal tunnel syndrome. Drugs may help with the pain temporarily, but they don’t provide a permanent solution. While surgery can permanently correct the problem, there is a significant period of downtime many workers can’t afford to take. Physical and massage therapy can give you some relief without having you depend on medications or go through the pain of surgery and the subsequent time that will leave you out of work and (figuratively) twiddling your thumbs.

When you have muscle tightness and inflammation, pressure on the nerve causes pain in your wrists and hands. Massage therapy can help alleviate the pain and bring back motor function to the wrists and hands. Massage therapy works by improving the blood supply to muscles. When you get massage treatment for carpal tunnel, your therapist will massage your hands and wrists and may even include your shoulder and upper back. Sometimes the pain of carpal tunnel is caused by a nerve that is constricted in the spinal area, so to cover all possible sources of pain, your therapist may massage that area. As the blood flow returns to that area and the muscles loosen, the pressure on the nerves is alleviated so that the muscle can begin to heal and work properly again with no pain. Your therapist may give you instructions on how to self-massage and stretch between massage therapy sessions to reduce your pain. Make sure to get regular massage and do the homework your doctors and therapists recommend so that you can continue to reap the benefits of massage.

If you’ve been feeling tingling, numbness, stiffness or pain in your hands and wrists and you’ve been diagnosed with carpal tunnel, contact us. We can help you reduce muscle stiffness and tension that causes pain. Schedule your appointment today.

This article is for informational purposes only. The products and services described on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please speak with a doctor before beginning any new health regimen.

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