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A Massage for Dad for Father’s Day

Many massage and spa services are marketed to women but men benefit from the pain-relieving and stress relief that a massage can provide. Men also may be ignoring their back or neck pain and not properly treating their condition with pain medicines or heating pads. The benefits of massage are for everyone so consider the gift of massage for your dad this Father’s Day!


Massage can help your dad with many types of pain or stress. Some of the most common area: mechanical pain, radiating pain, sciatica, and stress.


1.Mechanical Pain


Mechanical pain is exceptionally common and may affect individuals who work manual labor, sit at a desk all day with incorrect posture, or play sports. Sometimes referred to as axial pain, this type of back pain is caused by a strain in the muscles and responds very well to massage therapy. Massage helps to release the tightness in the muscles, relieving pain and restoring flexibility. Regular massage therapy sessions are the most beneficial for staying on top of this type of pain. Consider a gift certificate for a series of massages for your father to relieve this type of pain.


2.Radiating Pain


Radiating pain is an often constant, unpleasant pain. This referred pain often starts in one place but will radiate out and affect other locations. Common conditions which cause this pain are arthritis and spinal issues like slipped discs or degenerative disc disease. This type of pain is more common as we age with the additional wear and tear on our bodies. Massage therapy can easy this pain by finding the origin point and working on increasing the blood flow to the area. The painful area is relaxed by the massage while the increased blood flow can help the initial cause of pain to heal. This is an additional type of pain which benefits from multiple massage therapy sessions so consider a package of several appointments to help relieve your father’s back pain.




Sciatica is a special type of radiating pain that is caused by nerve compression. This deep pain is often associated with numbness and tingling and can run through the arm, leg, foot, and lower back. Inflammation and injuries to the back or herniated discs can cause this type of pain. Massage therapy can help to ease this deeply uncomfortable pain, helping to restore movement and relieve discomfort.


  1. Stress


Massage therapy has long been associated with stress reduction. If your father has a highly stressful job or does not manage their daily stress well, a massage can help by promoting feelings of relaxation. Massage lowers levels of the stress-hormone, cortisol and brings down spikes in blood pressure. The effects of long-term stress are an increased likelihood for high blood pressure and heart disease as well as lowered immunity to disease. Reducing tension and stress through massage is great for your father’s long-term health.


Contact us today for help choosing the gift of massage for your father!

Call us @ 703-686-4092