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What to Expect From an At-Home Massage

At-home massage therapy should be just as relaxing and good for the soul as massage performed in a spa or medical setting. There are many reasons to choose an at-home massage therapy session, from the convenience of having someone come to you to the increased comfort you may feel in your own home.

Before the Massage

Before your therapist arrives, choose a location in your home where you will have privacy and quiet. Do not pick a heavily trafficked area of the house where other family members will be walking through. Most therapists need a spot where the lights can be dimmed and an electrical outlet for them to play soft music during the session if you like.

Remove clutter from the space but it is not a big deal if a table or chair still needs to be positioned differently to allow the therapist to set up their massage table. There should be enough space for your therapist to comfortably walk around the table. Most therapists bring their own massage table, sheets, lotion, and music. The massage therapist will give you time and privacy to get undressed and under the sheets. Undress to your level of comfort, the massage therapist will keep you covered by proper sheet draping.

During the Massage

A massage at home should feel just like one in a spa! You should be lying comfortably on the massage table and draped appropriately so that you are covered and warm enough. Let your therapist know about any problem areas and speak up if the pressure they are using is too light or too much for you. It is not an inconvenience to your therapist, they want you to feel comfortable to get the most out of the service!

After the Massage

A great perk of at-home massage therapy is you can continue the relaxation in your own home! No need to leave a peaceful spa and face traffic or other errands. Safe and attentive driving requires you to be alert, which will diminish the effects of your massage! Consider scheduling your massage at a time of day when you will be able to continue relaxing.

Rise slowly from the massage table in case of dizziness. Hydrate after your massage with plenty of water, this will also help alleviate any of the soreness that can sometimes follow deeper tissue work. A good guideline is to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water, so if you weigh 140 pounds be sure to have 74 ounces of water. Some light stretching exercises or a warm bath can also help.



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