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Staying Fit Outside the Gym This Winter-Part One

Without a gym membership, many people lose the urge to exercise or to stay in shape as the winter approaches. Even those with a membership find it more difficult to motivate themselves to get off their comfy couch and go to a class (or two).  Sure, there are winter activities like skiing, and ice hockey, but those can get expensive and require quite a bit of planning. With a little creativity however, you can exercise and stay in shape in a fun, low cost way!


-Running or walking up and down the stairs is probably the easiest and most convenient way to get a high intensity cardio and leg workout. Alternate between walking and running and add a higher intensity by trying to climb two steps at a time. Kick it up yet another notch by doing jumping jacks either between floors or at the top or bottom of the staircase.


-Ice skating is not only fun but it’s also a great aerobic workout!  There’s a great social element to it as well, and so many arenas have free skate times. Make it a family event or go blow off some holiday stress! If you’re a novice, start slow and as you get better at it, try to go for longer periods. Change your distance or reduce your rest times to challenge yourself.


-These days, there are quite a few indoor fields to choose from; you can either organize a team, join  a team, or play a game of pickup. NZone in Chantilly for example, has a few fields, a basketball court, and other great options meant for the outdoors inside a convenient facility. Look to your local community center (which most likely boasts a similar facility) to find an activity that suits your lifestyle and your fancy! If you have the time, try to combine a workout with a game of your choice. For example, try a yoga class right after a game of soccer or go to a Zumba class in the morning and meet your friends for a game of volleyball at night.


If the weather gets as bad as the reports are predicting, walking outside may not be an option this winter. What better way to get your walk on (and possibly Christmas shopping) than a brisk one hour walk at the mall!  Use the stairs or walk up escalators to challenge your leg muscles. Afterwards, exercise your wallet and buy gifts for the ones you love!


Stay tuned next week for part two on how you can keep fit outside the gym this winter!


*And if you have been working out and are feeling sore from pushing your limits, come in for a relaxing massage!

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