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Top Essential Oils For The Summer

Summer TimeDuring the summer months, it’s easy to get caught up in the sun and surf of it all, without much forethought to the many dangers that lurk beneath. Mosquitoes (especially ones carrying the Zika Virus), sunburns, and much more can really put a damper on a time that is generally set aside for relaxation and fun.

So, how do you still enjoy yourself while protecting yourself using family and environmentally-friendly products? Look no further than our list of top essential oils you should have on hand for summer!

To Repel Insects:

Mosquitoes aren’t the only pesky bugs you want to keep away from during the hot months; flies and other bugs can be a nuisance! Try any of these oils to deter insects:

  • Clove
  • Lavender
  • Lemongrass
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme

For Sun Relief:

Being in the hot sun can leave you exhausted, and your skin a little fired. Create a soothing mist by adding 40 drops lavender, 15 drops peppermint, 5 drops Roman chamomile, and 3 oz of water. Pour into a spray bottle and shake. Mist over skin to soothe and refresh.

Stay well hydrated while you’re out in the sun, but if you’re already feeling the effects of being in the sun too long, add 1  to 2 drops of peppermint essential oil to your drinking water, and add a few drops to a misting bottle to spray on to the face, arms, legs, and anywhere else you want to feel refreshed.

If after all that, you still get burned, don’t worry! Mix 20 drops of lavender essential oil with 1 oz aloe vera juice in a spray bottle to spray on and soothe a burn. Ease the discomfort of the sunburn pain by putting one cup of apple cider vinegar in a cool bath. This works great for whole body sunburns.

For Water Relief:

At some point, in the impending heat, you’re going to want to cool off with water; whether its fresh water, salt water, or chlorinated water, you should be prepared for what water can and will do to your skin, or rather, to your ears. Swimmers ear is a bacterial infection that often flares up from swimming or from the ear being too wet for too long.  Add a few drops of basil, melaleuca or helichrysum essential oils to a cotton ball and gently place it into the ear opening, and replace as needed for pain or infection every 4-6 hours.

Who doesn’t want to have fun during the summer? We all do! Have fun in a way that’s safe for you, the kids, and the environment using essential oils!

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