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Wellness In The Workplace

We hear it all of the time, don’t we? How stressed out people are at work, because of work, or lack of work. Work is as integrated into our lives as eating and sleeping. With work being such a large facet of our lives, it’s also a major contributor to our wellbeing (or lack thereof).  The repercussions of stress-illness, fatigue, depression, etc.-profoundly affect a business’s productivity. As a business owner, what could you do to help keep your employees healthy and active, (which in turn boosts your business)?


Offering your employees a Wellness in the Workplace opportunity is a win/win situation. Promoting good health will also promote productivity which promotes success! How can you be proactive in keeping your employees happy? Start with promoting preventive care. Organize an on-site flu vaccination day for your employees (if your insurance allows). If not, offer to reimburse employees for vaccination fees.


While you’re at it, offer your employees an on-site health clinic to be seen by a doctor without having to take time off of work. On-site clinics have been known to increase productivity, reduce medical costs, and enhance a company’s reputation as a desirable place to work.


Encourage your employees to attend break-time seminars to learn more about healthy habits. Recruit speakers to lead sessions on staying healthy or quick stress management skills. If you have the space, consider bringing in a yoga, tai chi, or Pilates instructor for lunchtime classes. Offer a once a month opportunity to employees who sit most of their days; bring in a massage therapist, chiropractor, and/or an acupressurist to align their minds and bodies, making them more productive for your bottom line.


Unmanaged stress has been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, among a plethora of diseases. Encourage employees to take simple steps to reduce stress, like taking breaks to go for a walk, or to just go outside for fresh air. Consider offering an employee assistance program for employees who have financial troubles, excess stress or symptoms of depression.


Offering any or all of these will help lead your workforce in the right direction. Less sick days, more productivity, and all around happy employees will forge the way to success. If any of these ideas appeal to you, and you would like to speak to someone on how to best implement your wellness strategy, contact me to begin your company on a massage therapy program, and show you how to move forward from there. There are only so many hours in a day we are awake for; make them count!

Call us @ 703-686-4092